That’s right, everybody. I’ve decided that after the over TEN years of sculpting, the success, the not-quite-failures-but-pretty-bads, the praise and accolades, and the busted eyeball blood vessels, I’ve decided to stop sculpting entirely for the day. It’s just about 6:18 PM and I just can’t do it anymore.

“Now wait!” You’re trying to telepathically convey to me. “You can’t stop now! It’s the shank of the evening!” to which I reply, I don’t care WHAT it’s the shank of anymore. I’m just tired and I think I’d be better off just quitting altogether for the day. I know this is probably gonna upset some people who thought I would be sculpting until the end of my day, like, right up until I go to sleep. You people just need to understand- I got a life outside sculpting, and I feel like I’ve been ignoring it. I need to take the trash out at some point tonight.

Please just know that while I feel very strongly about this decision, there still is a possibility I might change my mind and return to sculpting. Presently I doubt it, but at some point down the line like at 9:30, maybe I’ll feel differently.

In the meantime, go to the Portfolio to see a BUNCH of new shots of figures I did for some events and shows I recently attended. “What shows?” you telepathically inquire- well, if you can implant thoughts into my head, shouldn’t you know that already?