Let’s get serious, anyway. If I could guarantee a MAGFest- sized show where I knew I could sell as much as I sell there, I’d have a good solid job rolling. But it’s tough to count on any other shows being as successful as that one, so until then I’ll keep hustling on the off season and show up in January with a bad-ass table ready to do battle.

This MAGFest was by faaaaaaar the best one I’ve done, and I think most of the other vendors would agree that there was a healthy group of “Spendersons” there (the term I use to differentiate between people who spend money vs those who’re just walking around with their money lodged well up into their butts) so we all enjoyed a slice of the fat money pie.

Let’s talk and talk about it, but I know what you’re thinking: where’s the pics and shots, Ben?? I’m here to disappoint, and can confidently say that the one thing I didn’t do was take pictures of all the new stuff I did for the show. Suffice to say, it was all really good! Lucky though that it was all stuff I have molded, so I’ll soon have shots of everything. I did manage to get shots of Shovel

I have good shots of these Shovelers because it was actually something I got done AFTER MAGFest. I had the option to pre-order the figure at the show and a few people took the deal, so these were the first thing I did when I got back. I gave the option of armor color and phrase on the base. They were a lot of fun to do! I’m almost done with the big commissions from MAG, and can get back into sculpting new stuff. In the meantime, I’m hustling in the next few months to pay the huge tax bill I got saddled with, so if video game figures are your thing, check out my new etsy shop. There’s a whole bunch of stuff not sold from the show, so there’s something there for you, I’d bet!